The Collaborative Review & Revision Process

As a benefit of paid participation in STARS, all reports submitted for a rating (i.e., Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum) receive AASHE staff support to help ensure the accuracy of reports before they are published. This collaborative review and revision effort also helps to protect the credibility of STARS. A review is conducted by AASHE staff after a report has been submitted, but before the report is publicly posted and any rating is announced. Institutions have approximately 60 days from the date that the review results email was sent to address these issues. The review will focus on a set of credits with high error rates (listed below) as well as one or more randomly selected credit(s).  The AASHE staff collaborative review and revision process and other mechanisms for promoting data integrity are outlined in the STARS Data Accuracy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common things to check for to ensure a high quality report with minimal issues?

Top strategies to avoid common mistakes include:

  • Support affirmative responses – Affirmative responses must be supported by information provided in descriptive fields, particularly in scoring fields that require a descriptive response following a Yes or similar affirmation.
  • Address data outliers – Data outliers can be the result of exemplary performance, a change in operations, or quite frequently, a mistake or miscalculation. Outliers can have significant scoring impacts, so it’s important to pay attention to them and make revisions if they are the result of an error or miscalculation. For outliers due to exemplary performance, please provide information about how this was achieved in the Notes fields.
  • Meet reporting timeframes – In general, STARS content must be current at the time of submission, or based on data from within the last three years prior to submitting. Care should be taken to ensure that information falls within the expected timeframe (particularly when updating a report).
  • Check for data consistency across credits – Some information in STARS is asked in multiple sections, and can be quickly duplicated using the “copy from” feature. While consistency between credits is typical, there are circumstances where a discrepancy can be expected. We recommend clarifying the reason for any valid discrepancies in the Notes field. See related Help Center article on Sharing information between credits.
  • Understand applicability – Some credits allow institutions to opt out of that credit on specific grounds (e.g., institutions with little/no research intensity may opt out of Research credits). Credits marked Not Applicable do not count against an institution’s score. For this reason, institutions should carefully review Applicability standards. If the standard does not apply to the institution, a different credit status should be applied (i.e., Not Pursuing or Pursuing).
  • Check for valid and working URLs – It is common for URLs to change over time. Be sure to check that they are working before submitting a credit as complete. Supporting information via URL is typically optional, though there are a few credits where a working URL is required or conditionally required.

How can I check for score and other data outliers? 

  • For Version 2 reports, the STARS Benchmarking Tool is a great tool for comparative benchmarking. It can also be used to check for score and numeric outliers. In addition, the 2023 Percentile Credit Scores Analysis Document displays credit scores at the 50th and 90th percentile for Version 2.2 reports as of January 2023, and can be used to check for credit score outliers.
  • These resources have not yet been made available for Version 3 reports, as we are just beginning to receive reports under this version.

Will my report ever be reviewed again by AASHE staff after I complete the collaborative review and revision process and my report is published?

Yes, post-publication reviews are possible. Periodic audits of data submitted by all institutions are conducted by AASHE staff for identification of data outliers or inconsistencies. This typically occurs annually during the development of AASHE’s Sustainable Campus Index (SCI). If issues are found, they are addressed through data inquiries, as outlined in the STARS Data Accuracy Policy

Standard Review credits (Version 3)

AASHE staff review the contents of the following credits for all institutions. This information will be updated as the review protocol is solidified.

  • PRE 3: Institutional Characteristics
  • AC 1: Sustainability Course Offerings
  • AC 2: Undergraduate Programs
  • AC 6: Sustainability Research
  • AC 8: Responsible Research and Innovation
  • EN 5: Civic Engagement
  • OP 2: Building Operations and Maintenance
  • OP 3: Water Use
  • OP 5: Energy Use
  • OP 6: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • OP 7: Dining Service Procurement
  • OP 9: Sustainable Procurement System
  • PA 3: Institutional Governance
  • PA 5: Investment Holdings
  • PA 7: Racial & Ethnic Diversity
  • PA 13: Pay Equity and Living Wage

Standard Review credits (Version 2)

AASHE staff review the contents of the following credits for all institutions to ensure that credit criteria are met:

  • AC 1: Academic Courses
  • AC 2: Learning Outcomes
  • OP 7: Food & Beverage Purchasing

AASHE staff also review the contents of the credits below, but may skip the review if the credit score is below the 50th percentile. 

  • AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment
  • AC 9: Research & Scholarship
  • AC 11: Open Access to Research
  • EN 1: Student Educator’s Program
  • EN 7: Employee Educators Program
  • EN 14: Participation in Public Policy
  • OP 1: Emissions Inventory & Disclosure
  • OP 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • OP 4: Buildings Operations & Maintenance
  • OP 5: Building Energy Consumption
  • OP 6: Clean & Renewable Energy
  • OP 9: Landscape Management   
  • OP 11: Sustainable Procurement
  • OP 16: Commute Modal Split
  • OP 18: Waste Minimization & Diversion
  • OP 21: Water Use
  • PA 2: Sustainability Planning
  • PA 3: Inclusive & Participatory Governance
  • PA 4: Reporting Assurance
  • PA 7: Support for Underrepresented Groups
  • PA 10: Sustainable Investment
  • PA 11: Investment Disclosure
  • PA 12: Employee Compensation
  • PA 14: Wellness Program

AASHE staff typically review all Innovation & Leadership credits for every scored report. The Innovation (IN) credits listed below tend to have relatively high error rates, and are always reviewed by AASHE staff if they are pursued. 

  • Academy & Industry Connections
  • Carbon Mitigation Project Development
  • Dining Services Certification
  • Green Athletics 
  • Green Cleaning Certification
  • Green Laboratory Program
  • Hospital Network
  • Laboratory Animal Welfare
  • Pay Scale Equity
  • Spend Analysis
  • Stormwater Modeling
  • Sustainability Course Designation
  • Sustainability Office Diversity Program
  • Work College

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